About Us

Here, candor fosters collaboration, aspiration meets invention, and the impossibility of giving up to teamwork is realized. We support those who dare to do the remarkable.

We are a worldwide consulting firm that assists the most driven change agents in the world in defining their future. We collaborate with our clients as a single team across 65 cities in 40 countries with the goal of achieving exceptional results, surpassing the competition, and redefining industries. We combine a thriving network of digital innovators with our specialized, integrated expertise to provide better, quicker, and more durable results. We provide our talent, experience, and insight to groups addressing today’s pressing issues in education, racial fairness, social justice, economic growth, and the environment as part of our ten-year promise to contribute more than $1 billion in pro bono services. We have proudly maintained the highest degree of client advocacy in the industry since our foundation in 2022. Since then, we have evaluated our performance by that of our clients.

Our Firm

What We Believe

We think that people who push themselves to be extraordinary need to encourage others to follow in their footsteps. And that, although it’s never simple, doing the right thing is always worthwhile.

What We Do

Global leaders turn to us to address problems that define their industry. Our distinct method of change management facilitates the organization, coordination, and realization of long-term outcomes.

Awards & Recognition

We take great pride in being frequently named as one of the greatest workplaces in the world, an advocate for diversity, and a role model for social responsibility.

Worldwide Offices

We collaborate as a single, worldwide team, spanning 65 cities in 40 nations, to assist clients in surpassing their rivals and revolutionizing their sectors.

Media Center

Global, local, and trade media consistently seek out our people for their specialized viewpoints and distinct views.

Our People

Culture of Collaboration

We frequently hear that working with us feels different. How come? a distinctively cooperative atmosphere full of enthusiastic individuals who are more invested in your success.

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

By embracing diverse viewpoints and beliefs that enable us to view the world in new ways, we assist our clients in seeing the world in new ways.

Social Impact

We’re providing pro bono advisory services worth $1 billion to ambitious organizations that require funding and strategic direction to realize their full potential.

Bold ideas. Extraordinary teams

Results & Partnerships

Enduring Results

We collaborate with visionary leaders who seek to shape the future rather than run away from it. When we work together, we do amazing things.

Bain Alliance Ecosystem

We form alliances with top businesses and institutions worldwide to enhance our specialization and provide ground-breaking outcomes.

Global Affiliations

We have enduring relationships and affiliations with leaders and organizations that share our dedication to producing results that last.

World Economic Forum

We are honored to support the World Economic Forum as a strategic partner and to contribute to the conversation on important concerns affecting multinational corporations.

Behold the Bold: Stories of bold digital transformation